Industrial control panels
Please see below various industrial control panels we have fabricated for our machines, we also build to order bespoke control panels, please get in touch if you require further information.
The above control panel was used to control a vegetable handling system, this was built in 2018.
The industrial control panel above was built to control a rotary plough system on cereal, this was built in 2009
The industrial control panel above was built to control a onion packaging line, this was built in 2010.
The industrial control panel above was built to control a stewpack packaging line, this was built in 2011.

The control panel above was built to drive 3 conveyors to handle flowers, this was built in 2019.

The industrail control panel above was used to control a conveyor system which handles lettuces on a farm field mobile rig, this was designed and built in 2019

The control panel above was used to control several conveyors and pnumatic cylinders, this was built in 2020.

The control panel above was built to control 2no. 14m conveyors, this was built in 2020.